Donate Yoga for Cancer Patients


All Mind-Body Wellness Classes are partnered with Certified School and Teachers, Yoga Therapists from Shala Santosha Yoga & Ayurveda Wellness, Haiku Maui to offer gentle therapeutic yoga classes. Open to all cancer patients and cancer survivors
*Donation based Classes, Please contribute in class if you are financially able. Suggested donation amount $5 to $10 per class

Shala Santosha waiver , consultation/intake process is required to attend the sponsored classes. Please call (808)793-2273 to inquire about Yoga, Breath, Meditation, Relaxation Yoga Nidra and Ayurveda Health Classes.

All Mind-Body Wellness Classes are led by Christina Martini, with 15+ years in Health Care experience and working in Oncology. Certified patient cancer advocate and navigator with Harold Freeman Institute, Certified Health Educator, Chopra Center, Certified , Authorized Yoga Therapist, Breath exercises, Meditation and Relaxation Educator in the Eastern Philosophy Practices, and Ayurveda. Christina has received her certification and trained with her Indian Guru - Master Teacher, Manju Jois, BKS Iyengar, TKV Desikachar, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Vasant Lad and world respected eastern practice teachers, David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, and David Swenson. She has taught various traditional forms of holistic breathing- pranayama, yoga movement, meditation, relaxation- Yoga Nidra and mindfulness to enhance health and wellness including yoga for veterans, yoga for cancer, yoga for pre-existing conditions and yoga for health and wellness.



Yoga offers gentle, restorative exercises and breathing techniques to help you overcome distress and anxiety associated with cancer. Scientific studies show yoga also provides benefits for the effects of lymphedema and neuropathy, long-term effects of some cancer and cancer treatment. Talk to your health care team before starting any fitness or exercise program. REGISTER HERE

The benefits of therapeutic yoga and meditation are well documented, including:


• Improved sleep
• Increased immunity
• Decreased pain
• Can improve endocrine function • Increased exibility and strength • Decreased blood pressure
• Improved balance
• Relaxed nervous system


• Improved self-acceptance
• Reduced anxiety and depression • Increased sense of well-being
• Increased mindfulness
• Healthy coping strategies


Talk to your doctor if you are thinking about trying yoga. Most experts consider yoga to be safe when taught by a well-trained professional with experience working with cancer survivors. Like any physical activity, yoga can cause muscle fatigue and strain. But when guided under a yoga therapist trained in clinical holistic approach, they can assure you to Know your limits and adapt poses to work with your body’s needs. Always Talk to your instructor before class to let them know of your limitations.


A powerful way to reconnect with our inner selves. It brings about a natural integration of body, mind and spirit. Open to patients, family members and caregivers. REGISTER HERE

Relaxation Techniques

Meditation, Mindfulness, and Deep Breathing.

This weekly series of guided relaxation methods will focus on the mind-body-soul connection for optimal wellness. We will introduce various methods of deep breathing, present awareness, techniques of mindfulness, and meditation practices. This class will serve as both an introduction to those new to these techniques, as well as an opportunity to deepen awareness for practitioners. A typical session will consist of deep breathing, self-reflection in stillness, and a technique of guided meditation. REGISTER HERE

Total Wellbeing, Perfect Health for Cancer

The roots of our Perfect Health course lie deep within Eastern India, but have been tailored to be gently woven into our western day lives. Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. Although suppressed during years of foreign occupation, Ayurveda has been enjoying a major resurgence in both its native land and throughout the world. Tibetan medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their roots in Ayurveda. Early Greek medicine also embraced many concepts originally described in the classical Ayurvedic medicinal texts dating back thousands of years.

This course has been derived from the oldest healing system known as Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a philosophy of healing that balances the mind, the body, and the spirit. It balances each entity separately, but still recognizes that all three are connected. Ayurveda teaches us how to live in our most balanced states even through a pre existing condition, chronic state, or disease diagnosis, one can journey to experience a more balanced, meaningful & joyful life to sustain a mind-body at its balanced perfect health. Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Restoration, Detoxification, Nutrition & Stress Management are essential for quality of life.



The program provides immediate and long-term benefits to anyone seeking improved health and vitality, including those coping with: Physical or emotional pain, depression & anxiety, chronic health issues, job burnout and stress, relationship difficulties, autoimmune disorders, cancer & chemotherapy.


Perfect Health Workbook
A mind body consultation with an Ayurveda Specialist
Brief Instruction in Breath, Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and the life healing techniques of Ayurveda Total Wellbeing , Perfect Health.