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Shala Santosha is under the guidance and teachings of Director, Authorized, Certified Ashtanga Yoga Therapy Teacher, All levels thru advanced, Christina Martini, direct Student of Manju P. Jois.

All are Welcome , no experience necessary. The Shala teachings are dedicated to the lineage and traditions passed on to teach and share the knowledge by Parampara as taught by my teacher, Manju Jois.

Our shala intergrates sadhana practice, and the traditional yoga therapy approach of the eastern philosophy and methodology.

My teacher, Manju’s presence in the United States began in 1975 to this present day, and continues to have vast significant effect on the growth of yoga as a way of life in America, Europe, Asia - Globally. Manju’s intention is to teach the ancient tradition in a way that was taught to him by his father and how his father learned from the his master guru, Tirumulai Krishnamarchaya, where it delivers joy, healing, therapy, spiritual benefits to every individual student/client/practitioner.

Therefore we honor our approach, teaching and intention, and Welcome all to our shala Santosha-a space of Contentment. As this practice is a way of living that has transformed many including my health and my life with so much Joy. I invite you to experience the same with devotion and commitment to yourself, let’s take charge of your wellbeing and be inspired.

Resources for Global listing of Ashtanga Yoga Certified, Authorized Teachers

Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah. tatra sthitau yatno-‘bhyāsaḥ. sa tu dirghakala nairantarya satkarasevito drdhabhumih.

First, to restrain the mind in the Chitta form, the inner practice is the effort for being firmly established in oneself to prevent its going out into waves. You have to practice for a long period of time; second, your practice must not be interrupted—you must do it regularly; Only by repeated practice and non-attachment can one control the fluctuations of the mind and third, you must do your practice abhyasa and sadhana with love and respect.

~ Yoga Sutras, Patanjali 1.12 - 1.14